
some things have changed since last we spoke

some things have changed since last we spoke

foods have gone from prickly pear to cranberry
plants have gone from salvia apiana to a hardy lavendar
places continue to fill me with gratitude about this being the planet I get to live on.

For upcoming recipies you can look forward to a cranberry sweet potato oatmeal bake for dessert or breakfast, and a seasoning mix for some chicken thighs that was good, oh and a Mexican hot chocolate pudding pie that was more pudding than pie.

Regarding plants I have been cataloging the seed stash and intend to try winter sowing some local perennials soon. Will also destroy a beautiful lawn and make the neighbors uncomfortable by reusing trash in public in a respectable neighborhood.

Places have been calling to me, for sure. We can take short adventures again, with a little more planning and gear. I am trying to feel at home in one place so maybe we will do a deeper study of that place, rather than documenting new trips. but i have years of trips from previous years to share. and maybe an ode to the house. hey i might even talk about living from bed, things learned and tech that needs to be built and whatnot.

Here is a little gardening info snack

dogs in the grass